Sunday, January 17, 2010


It has been a rough week. Way too much family drama! So glad to just be getting over that and hoping to not get anymore involved than I am already.

Haven't been sleeping well, or I guess I should say that sleep has been so odd lately. Paul waking odd hours, going to sleep odd hours, napping when he normally doesn't.

Anyhow, the last few days have been rough, not being very patient with the kids and a little high strung. Hoping tomorrow will be better.

In good news, the car was frozen, so on the first day above freezing (Wed.) it started. Such an answer to prayers! Also this Saturday is when Chip should be coming in to the Church, as long as we have the sponsor squared away. Pretty exciting. Then only one other marriage prep class and we'll be able to have our marriage convalidated! Hopefully all before Lent :). It has been a LONG time and a LONG wait, very, very exciting :).

I think Dolores wants to eat, and I have nothing really exciting to say, just the normal random boring stuff of my life.


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