Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Hi! Sorry to be gone a week. I don't get on much when Chip is off work. We tend to be busy. Lets see, what's new, not much! We have made some progress on the trailer and today I got it very organized/neat. We put of the new gate/fence system for Paul (cinder blocks and landscape timbers - it's not pretty, but it works amazingly well, and it's movable!)

Chip's been doing well with his eating/sugars. We found something that seems like it'll really work with what we want to be doing food wise, called Traditional Foods. It's what we have basically been doing, but didn't know it.

Paul has shown some small interest in food, so even more important to only have wholesome food (no extra anything, just food as it's grown, no chemicals or stuff like that). He's also getting more brave with walking, taking a few steps at a time. I actually have a few videos to share of me trying to get him to walk, but of course he didn't! I have the camera all set in case he does again.

Okay, now for the joy of the week I guess. That's a hard one, there have been many good moments. Mostly I think it's an overall more positive outlook on things. For today's I'd have to say that is was me getting so much done at home. It's nice to have a neat/organized house, and Paul slept for at least 2 hours, which is amazing for him with me not sleeping next to him!


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