Saturday, December 27, 2008
sickies are here
It's been an interesting few weeks for me. I wish I had more mental energy to share all of it! Hopefully in the next few days when I'm not totally overwhelmed with the state of my house! Made some progress today, just a little more to go before I feel back to normal. Hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow feeling somewhat better and ready to go.
It's raining again, all is mud around us. Can't wait to not live in a mud pit. We have straw we use in Buddy's fenced area, we have also been putting it on our main paths to help with the mud. If we are still here next year, we are going to need to get stepping stones! :)
I have pictures to load too, but, again, something that'll have to wait. Mostly of Christmas.
Off to bed I think, feeling ready to fall asleep. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and that you are not sick!
Friday, December 26, 2008
I have a ton more to say about the trip and other things, but not really in the right mood to sit and write things that require thought, plus, I am also hoping to get in gear and start cleaning! Paul now has SO many toys! Don't know where I'll put them all!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Thoughts on the 'winter blues'
I am beginning to think that humans were made to be less active in the winter, to sleep more. Think about it. Before we had cities and grocery stores, people had to raise and grow or hunt and find their food. In the winter there is less natural sources of food. The animals don't produce as much (less eggs and milk) and the majority of vegetation dies. So there is a lack of food and it's colder, both things that would be helped by slowing down. Think of most of the major symptoms of depression, most deal with or rather boil down to a kind of hibernation. You don't want to be about others, have no interest in things, sleep more and so on. I think if we were slowing down more in winter, allowing for the need for more sleep and a slower pace, the depression part of the 'winter blues' wouldn't be so bad. I don't know, haven't completely thought this through, but it does make sense to me.
So no more feeling guilty here about needing more sleep! :) Think I'll use this as a way to take naps with Paul and not feel guilty! Off to finish more dishes.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
more words and other stuff
Today he said shower and slippery. He was playing in the shower while I was in there.
I am still working on the whole list. I keep thinking of words, then I forget by time I have gotten to the computer. So I now have a word pad document open all the time to help with.
In other stuff. I'm feeling much better. Something so simple as trusting God really can make a difference, that and prayer. I just hope I can keep it up. I have also been slightly more patient with Paul, which makes me feel better too. I hate being so curt with him and treating him like he's a burden, so not at all what I want to be as a mother.
More in the next few days, some good things are happening, but want to wait and see how it all pans out first.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
time for me
Saturday, December 06, 2008
answered prayers I didn't know I said!
What was very interesting is that the other day I posted about wanting to start over, and not knowing how to do that. It came up in a different context in our chat (more about faith and having faith and trust in God). It ended up being an answer to how to start over. Working on virtues and practicing the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Which, until about 20 minutes ago, I didn't know. After reading them, I have heard them somewhere, but never learned them. It is really amazing how God can seriously put the right person in front of you when you need it the most, you just have to be willing to not be stubborn (or I just have to be willing to not be stubborn as I tend to be).
So while I have NO idea what's going on with the car, and the timing is just awful (as in, money, Christmas, also me trying to not go crazy, and me trying to not sink deeper into depression), I am relived to be finding a way to handle it and myself better, plus that conversation got me out of my funk that I was unwilling to leave on my own!
Okay off to learn more about these works of mercy, hang out with Paul and write down more of his words! I forgot a lot of them, and then continue to forget them after I remember them!
Friday, December 05, 2008
random late night thoughts
Anyway, no point really. Just wanting to write it out, hoping I'd see a way to start fresh. It's not coming to me, but hopefully I'll wake up with a way to start anew and not hate me. I am very excited at the thought, but scared to death, as it is all I have known.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Paul's Words
First today's new words
Tangerine - one of our cats
Coby - another cat
His other words
stretch (for a tape measure)
screw (can you tell he helps us a lot!)
light stick
hold you
stair (s)
thank you
sharp (for knives and scissors)
Okay, Paul is needing me to get him to sleep, so I'll try to think of more tomorrow. I know there is more, as he talks a lot, I know some of them he uses to me more than one thing. Okay, being demanded very loudly! :)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
A cold
We are getting some snow tonight, had some all day, didn't stick. I kind of hope it sticks, just because it's pretty, and even a gloomy day with snow is happy! Now sun needed. I so wish I could find some little rain boots/snow boots for Paul, I think he'd really enjoy exploring this white stuff.
The last two years have been years of so, so much change. A lot of grief. I can't even put my finger on the grief. Cats, fathers, grandma's, neighbors, and that's just the people/pets we loved. Add in losing everything and the whole mess that was McKissock st. and our first trailer, and it's just been hell to put it nicely. I miss some things about that time though, like a clean house. Before things got bad at McKissock, it was a lovely house, I still really miss that house. There is something about a house that is so nice that I can't really describe after having lived in a trailer. Though we have been lucky with the trailers, as they both have real floors, not that particle board stuff. Anyway. I miss the simpleness of that time before things got bad. Though, I'm sure I'm glossing over things, as life is pretty simple now, though also, way more challenging. No longer can I just clean all day and be productive. I have Paul who needs me, a LOT these days.
Okay, not really sure where this is going, it's just interesting to see how life changes, and to see where we are now, versus where we were then. Lots is better, though more stressful, but I think before I wasn't paying attention to things that needed attention - which is what got us in trouble! I just really hope that we don't look back at the coming year the way we look back at the last few. We need a year of happiness, not another of grief. There are so many great possibilities for us that will come to a head in the coming year, I just hope there is no more death. I am so done with death, and loss and failing.
Off to bed I go, do check out the pictures, I added a few more than I posted here.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Grandma passing and Thanksgiving
My Grandma passed away on Monday. It still hasn't really hit me, but have been distracted by holiday visitors who left today. I'm sad I can't get to the funeral to be with family, but I don't know that I could have handled being there either.
My grandma has melanoma, she found out about it about 2 and a half years ago. By time they took it out it had already spread. She fought for a long time. I will miss her very much, she had such spirit. Wish we had been closer.
For Thanksgiving my sister in law came up with her daughter. It was a hard one for them too, as it's the first with out her father (Chip's dad died in January - if you remember). It was nice having people around and it was a nice Thanksgiving. Sad to have them gone today. Paul keeps asking for 'issie', even looking out the window for her car. I think it'll be a long day! I always hate that sad lonely feeling you have after a guest leaves. It's like the house is empty. I even got this as a kid when friends would stay the night. Doesn't help any that it's dreary out and we are out of kerosene to warm up the room, yuck!
She will be back for Christmas, it'll be nice. I'm going to try to get the pictures on the computer from their visit to share later.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Busy Day
Also getting ready for my sister in law's visit for Thanksgiving. Looking forward to the company, and catching up with family. Just hope we get the house in order before she gets here!
Paul is quite busy just being Paul. His new thing is pushing his Lion (a little ride on thing) from place to place so he can reach stuff. He's quite good at it!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Good day, but oh so tired
On the other hand, I am so, so tired! I have so much to do in the next week, I really don't know where to begin. Paul is like a little tornado and makes huge messes all the time. If you could see my living room, boy, is that embarrassing! I am just waiting for him to go to sleep so I can clean it up, do dishes and work on a few other computer related things. It's getting late though. May have to put off the computer! :)
Okay, off to go get the cookies out of the oven. It is so nice having an oven again, been way too long!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Tomorrow's my birthday. Which always leaves me kind of lonely. I don't know why, but it does. I'm also pretty bummed because it looks like our electric box can't handle our heaters, so I don't know what we'll do to keep warm. Very frustrating. Kind of getting to that hopeless despair that tends to set in this time of year. I really thought I'd be able to get away from it for a little longer.
Need to go find something happy so I can sleep tonight.
Oh, I did get all the dishes done today, that's something good.
Friday, November 07, 2008
That's it for now, but it was too cute to not share. He grows up so much each day, becoming more and more complex. It's fun and scary at the same time.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
On the upside, the tax for 911 passed here, so Chip will have a job, very good news.
Monday, November 03, 2008
RIP Linda
What has stuck me most is that the verse that his wife had up on her teaching profile (she was a teacher at the local Christian school), was the same one that was Chip's dad's favorite Jeremiah 29 :11-13. It totally blew my mind when I saw that.
So, if you pray, please pray for the repose of her soul.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
random random
Last night, Paul slept for 15 hours, it was nice, especially since I wasn't feeling well. He didn't nap yesterday, and I guess he just really needed the sleep, plus, if I'm there, he is more likely to sleep, and I sure wasn't getting out of bed! :)
Tomorrow morning is Smokey's last pill. I'm so glad she is doing well and has recovered so well. The vet was pretty amazed too, they did not think she would recover.
I need to find a new book to read, missing having something to read. All I have right now are books that I will learn something from, and I really just want something for fun. Most of my books are packed away somewhere, and all my library books are overdue (and I'm too lazy to walk all the way up to the library to return them - maybe tomorrow :) ).
Oh, I don't know if I mentioned it, but I did finish Gone With the Wind. It was a very good book. I recommend it if you don't mind long books and sad endings. I am still having dreams about it actually (yes I know, my life is that boring that I dream about the books I'm reading so laugh if you must, but don't wake the baby! :) ).
Okay, I think I'll end my totally random post that made no sense, drink some tea and go to sleep, maybe finding some tylenol for the headache.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
stupid plumbing
So very pissed right now. I actually just broke a plunger, that's how bad this stupid plumbing is (no it's not our fault in any way, there is something wrong with the sewer itself).
Thursday, October 23, 2008
So if you happen to read this, please pray she is okay, and that none of our other cats found some too.
So much sadness here lately.
Monday, October 20, 2008
New Day
I also thought I'd update on my last post. After posting I caught an old friend on facebook, and she was the exact person I needed to talk with. It was a good conversation and a few things came out that I hadn't really thought of. Still trying to wrap my head about them, but, it's good. Anyhow, out of that conversation, I realized how void of prayer my life is, and how much more able to handle things I am when I actually take the time to pray. So I decided to start saying a Rosary again daily. It's a very small step, but it helps in so many ways. Gets me closer to my faith, helps me fall asleep, and just feel better in general.
Well, I think that'll be all for now, I think I hear Paul's little feet :)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
can't sleep
I think really, I just need to sleep. I need to figure out a way to actually get sleep. This has nothing to do with Paul, I, simply can not sleep, haven't been able to for several weeks. I think with sleep, I'd handle things better, but then again, that's also justifying how things are now. Deal with the lack of sleep rather than make excuses for it. Or use it as an excuse. I think at the bottom of all this is a very simple truth, that many people have pointed out to me, I don't know how to be happy. I'm all complaints and excuses. I can't just accept things as what they are, always having to change them. Such a miserable way to live.
Okay, I think that may have helped, at least I'll have something more positive to think about while laying in bed, how to be happy. What small step can I make tomorrow to move in the right direction? Definitely something to ponder. Just have to remind myself that I CAN take small baby steps, I don't have to tackle it all at once. I'll try to write what my small step is. I sure need to remember to keep it a small one.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
dreary day
Anyhow, back to the dreary day. I hate them, well when there are two in a row anyway. Have a way of making one forlorn and melancholy. It is one thing I do not like about spring and fall, too much dreary days. I had planned on a nice walk to town today. I guess it is only 9, it could get better, must check the weather.
In non dreary news, Paul is sitting so cute on the couch eating his corn cereal, it's incredibly cute. I will try to take a picture, but he tends to get excited at the site of the camera and yell 'ki kis' because he wants to see the pictures of the cats.
Okay, didn't go well, jumped up and ran to me to see the 'ki kis'
Sunday, October 12, 2008
plumbing and other vents
I'm also very, very tired, all the time. I haven't slept well in weeks (I think it's a little over a month). I can handle a few days a week with Paul waking up a lot, and getting little or spotty sleep, but it's wearing me down being so tired. I fall asleep mostly fine, but I wake up so early and can't get back to sleep. Very annoying. If I get up then Paul normally will wake up and then not only am I tired, but I have a cranky baby too, not a good combination. Need to find something to help me sleep better or more restfully. I think that's the key, having more restful sleep.
And Jennifer, if you see this post, how crazy is it that there's a thing online called Twitter!??
Sunday, October 05, 2008
a few pictures
Paulie Antics
Paul loves to explore and find anyway he can to climb, open, dismantle whatever he finds. Like for example, just as I'm writing this, he has found the missing burner elements for the electric stove we just got yesterday. How I don't know, but he just brought it to me and left it sitting next to me. I think he's off to grab another.
He also likes to push chairs or benches to the window to look out or the light switches to play with them (we didn't have switches before, so he is LOVING them). It's just so neat to see what he is capable of figuring out, all on his own, no prompting or guiding from us.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Now for some happiness
Paul is pretty amazing. I know I say that a lot, but he is. He is learning new words daily, sometimes several words in a day. It's so neat to see him learning and discovering his world.
We are also almost totally into our new house, which is very nice. Last night we got to take hot showers, in our OWN house for the first time in over a year, actually it's been a year and a few months. It was nice. No more cold showers! Yay for water heaters!
Okay, should go see what Paul's into, I hear noise, but can't figure out what he's into.
Missing Meow
Anyhow, orange girl kitties must just have something very special added, they always find us and leave us too soon.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Losing Meow
Yesterday we found her, hit by a car, our worst nightmare. It is heartbreaking. She is missed dearly. I can't look outside, let alone be out there with out wishing her alive and being so angry. She was such a joy to have around. She would greet you with a trot from where ever she was with her tail curled over her back in a way that I have never seen in a cat, kind of like a pug's tail. When she'd get about 15 feet from you, she'd start meowing and quiet little meow and I swear she could smile with her eyes, just so happy to see us. Outside will never be the same, it's so lonely and sad.
This is hitting me harder than when Kitty died. I think I had prepared myself for Kitty, I knew she was dieing, I just didn't want her too. Meow was all of a sudden. I found myself dreaming of her last night yelling for her to come back. She was a very special cat who will be sorely missed.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Just want to find a piece of land to move to so we don't have to worry about this stuff anymore.
To think, this is probably all just because I haven't had my daily milk/calcium. Need to get some tomorrow, I think it really makes a difference.
I guess I should go to sleep now. I don't really want to cause I'm hungry, but it's way late and I'm sure Paul's going to wake up crazy early and be cranky just like the last few days. yay.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Never underestimate God
Don't want to go into too many details. But He really never does give you more than you can handle. Whenever you get to the point where you feel at the end of your rope, amazing things happen. This has actually happened twice in the last few weeks. I just hope I can remember this when things get hard again.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
cutest thing
Right now, Paul is picking up kittens and putting them in their little kennel they sleep in at night. It's just so cute!
He picks one up, takes it over, puts her inside then closes the door. He can't lock it yet, so usually by time he comes back with another kitten the first has gotten out. He has been at it for 10 minutes or more. Just having a blast with it. :)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
positive intent
In one of my groups in times past there was a lot of talk of positive intent regarding our children and being gentle with them. It makes so much sense. I still struggle greatly, and can't honestly say I have even tried. I think about it a lot, but putting it into action is much harder. Over the last couple days another group I'm on also started talk about not assuming the worst.
Looking at the world with the best intentions is so much happier than looking at it as a bunch of people who have nothing but ill will. I just wish I had it in me to change my thoughts to a more positive non-critical route. Especially since I constantly feel as though others are judging me for my choices and way of living. Maybe changing the way I think will change how I feel others view me?
Anyhow. I just happen to like this outlook on the world and thought others might want to give it a try as well. So more randomness from me today. Think I'll head to bed now, need to get more sleep!
Just a few random thoughts.
I love the game Zuma! I don't know why, but I do. Play many times a day.
My parents totally hooked Paul up with Little tykes play things this weekend from yard sales. He loves them! A little playhouse thing, a slide and a table. Lots of climbing to do, and he LOVES to climb.
Also, we now have a working fridge! You have no idea how important that is. Currently we have a freezer that works and a small room fridge that doesn't really keep things cool unless you never open it and the temp in the room is never above 70.
Life with a/c is nice. It's so much nicer to be able to sleep while not sweating!
On the note of sleeping, I have been not sleeping well (even with the comfy a/c on!). There is just too much going on in life right now it seems. Need to find something to help me sleep. Not getting enough at all!
I think that's all the thoughts I had to share at the moment. Paul's getting ready to wake from his nap, so should get ready for that.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A/C is here!
Monday, July 21, 2008
a/c countdown
Sunday, July 20, 2008
It was also nice to get out of the heat. It's been so hot lately, like unbelievably hot. Can't wait until the a/c is up and working. I don't think I would make it with my sanity in place, through August.
I think I'm going to sleep. I need sleep. Of course it's still about 90 in here so it might be hard to sleep, but I sure need to try! :)
more words
Yesterday it was Pickle. And he has also started saying Potty. Too cute.
Also in Paul's little world he has some fans. And also people he loves. My friend Megan that I meet working at Casey's, she's still there and every time we go in there he dives for her!
As for yesterday. A very uneventful day. Just very hot. We thought we were going to be able to get the parts for the A/C, but it didn't work out. Hoping to rig something up this weekend though (Chip's weekend that is - Tues., Wed., and Thurs.). Kind of amazed we have made it this far. I just don't think I can do it much longer, especially with August still ahead of us!
Friday, July 18, 2008
new word of the day
He learns every day, so much and all on his own. It's simply amazing! His mind is constantly working and putting pieces together.
daily ponder
Man, can't wait until we have two rooms! :) Peaceful sleep again!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
up and down
Paul is doing amazing things. Learning tons of new words. It's so neat to watch him learn and grow! He knows so much more than he can vocalize!
The other day he had taken off his diaper, both the cover and the prefold (we use cloth). I asked him where his diaper was. Not really expecting an answer. He walked away only to come back with the cover, diaper and snappi! It was so cute!
Today we are enjoying the fact that it's not incredibly humid for a change, hot but not humid.
Oh, and Paul pooped on Chip's bed today. LOVELY! He was diaperless after swimming and came to me with this stuff on his belly, looking at me like 'I don't know what this is or how it got him, but please fix it mommy'. Anyhow, I'll end on the laughing note!
Friday, July 04, 2008
We live in the county, which means no restrictions on things like fireworks. We had a three hour show tonight. It was wonderful. Several of our neighbors had tons of fireworks they set off. It was just awesome. The best July 4th in a long time!
hard day
Thursday, July 03, 2008
sleep is nice!
The last few days have been okay given that I've been dead on my feet. Tonight we had dinner with my parents to celebrate Chip's birthday. They gave him a much needed gift certificate to Lowe's, it's like our second home! :)
I have to find a way to learn to be patient with Paul. That is something the last few days have shown me. I have no idea how to go about that, but it is something that I really need to endeavor to do.
I'd say my joy over the last few days was finding a devotion for a dying soul. It has really made a difference to me. I just to perfect my 'offering up', as I don't think I really know how to do that. I think that I have some idea in my head, but that it's not really how it works. But the devotion is what gets me started in the morning and I find myself excited to say my morning prayers and adopt my dying soul for the day, it really helps get through the day.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Paul's favorite thing is to climb up there with who ever is sitting there. Especially daddy! LOVES to sit with Daddy. I'm good for food, but he is totally enamored with his dad. Asks for him all the time and just can't not sit with him.
I'm pretty thankful for the couch. It's been a great addition.
So part of the stuff that's been bugging me and troubling me is that I am AWFUL at keeping in touch with people who I really do want to keep in touch with, even if it's just to see how they are doing. So while I'm at the whole fixing things slowly for me, I'm working on that too. So I'm staying up after I get Paul to sleep (which is SO hard as I just want to sleep since I KNOW he'll be up several times to eat), but I need to be able to pray and I'm also making sure to reply to at least one person/email a day. I'm not talking just posts to a group, but a real email that takes time and thought to write. I'm also going to try to post my joy/happiness/thankfulness of the day here. As I'm trying very hard to find God in my day, and having a place to be somewhat accountable to and also a place to actually write my thoughts of the day, is helpful. Anyway. I'm making real effort, not just 'trying' as I normally do.
I really want to be happy and not so crabby and moody about my lot in life.
Anyhow. I'm not sure what I'm most joyful about today as the day ended on a bad note (fight with Chip), so that kind of tainted things. But I am happy that I did all my prayers and replied to two emails, and posted here. I'm happy that I did it all, even once, as I normally give up before I try. I'm also glad that it wasn't too hot today :). Yes, not very deep, but I'll get there!
i hate titles
I just wanted to post some things I'm doing lately. Been struggling most with faith lately, but have found a great book Holiness for Housewives. It's been very helpful and encouraging to get a good prayer life going. I'm going to try to do the joy of the day again, but no promise I'll get here everyday. But it's also part of how I'm working through this rough spot.
I had a few pictures to share of Paul, but it's not letting me upload any pictures! I'll try later though.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
another hot day
Need to make us lunch and rescue Paul from his perch.
Friday, June 06, 2008
memory lane
Lets see in that 6 years what's happened -
I became Catholic
Moved to CT for a year
Hit rock bottom (some ways still there)
Got married
Had Paul
Lots of big things. All of them lift changing, and worthy of a post in and of themselves. I'm still in the rock bottom thing, struggling so much with some things. Mostly faith. I really struggle there, which I honestly find shocking. One day at a time though :).
Now off to find something fun to end my evening, guess I could watch Paul running back and forth, he's giggling away, so it must be fun! :)
Monday, June 02, 2008
wonderful world of Paul
It's so neat to watch him discover the world around him and how it works. Every day he learns more and more, it really is amazing. And he does it all on his own, I don't 'make' him do things a certain way, let him do it his own way. Anyhow, I don't think my words here did justice to what I was trying to get across, but he's pretty cool!
Sunday, June 01, 2008
rants and joy at the end!
Our Firefox doesn't work anymore, I miss it, a lot. I miss tabs, who would have thought *I* would miss tabs! but I do. I also miss how Firefox would underline all the misspelled words in the various forums I'm on (some don't have spell checkers, and I'm a horrid speller!). I also miss being able to search from the tool bar. Yes I KNOW I could download something like Yahoo toolbar and have it there, but this is an older computer and anything extra like that slows it down.
So I'm trying to find the positive in this, I guess at least the computer works! That's definitely good!
It's hot here, very, very hot. No A/C yet in a metal trailer with no insulation, yay. I have made some peace with this by just realizing that all I can do is sit in front of a fan! Also I have been able to really enjoy Paul's naps, either laying with him and reading, or checking email (we have a fan right on him. Can't wait until the new siding is up (wood! so it won't leak or blow off - yes our walls have blown off twice in the last few months) and we'll get the A/C hooked up too, very exciting stuff!
Anyhow, I guess I answered myself here, I was going to ask for help finding the joy in this, but writing it has made me see the good parts.
Oh, I guess there's one other, annulment stuff is frustrating me, a lot. But I guess that's a lesson in patience really. I can't make things go faster or make people be willing and able to fill out forms and send them back! Anyhow, guess that is all for now before baby wakes up, or needs some nursing.
Oh, that's one of my favorite things. I love nursing Paul. He has learned the sign for 'eat' and now asks to nurse by signing. I didn't think there would still be joy in nursing a toddler, but he just LOVES it and gets so excited, how can I not see joy in that? Even in his sleep, when he starts stirring, he'll sign 'eat' it's too cute!
ps. blogger now has a real spell checker! Yay! used to only underline words that were misspelled, but now it actually fixes them too.
Monday, May 26, 2008
interesting dream
I was in college for a LONG time, just couldn't decide what I wanted to do, and honestly I hated change, so didn't have a clue at all what I would do after. I always thought you went to college to get married, so I was kind of holding out for that. Silly yes, but anyhow.
Toward the end of college, I became Catholic, which was a good thing, very good! I met a lot of good people and became part of the campus Catholic group. They were all young. I also spent a lot of time going to visit other friends in all parts of the state.
My dream was about how I was trying so hard to be something I wasn't, mainly, trying to be young and cool and hip. I was not young at all! Old for college, and hip and cool will never ever describe me! What is funny is that I find myself at times longing for those carefree days. A lot actually. But from that dream I also realized that during that time I was also running away from reality a lot. That's why I went so many places (besides, liking the people I went to see). It was a way to get away from the misery that I had put on myself.
I don't seem to have that issue a lot now. I do like escaping from the mundane life on occasion, but reality is still reality, that doesn't change. Maybe I have figured out what I want and what I'm comfortable with. I have tried to take more control over my own life lately, rather than just floating. I think that makes a difference.
Anyhow, this was suppose to be way deeper, but the thoughts have left me! Mostly I just found it so interesting the revelation that dream opened up for me. It was interesting to see how I have changed from then to now.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
up early
He just crawled into the cat crate, and now has figured out how to get on top so he can see the turtle. His ability to climb never ceases to amaze me! He is all toddler boy lately!
On the subject of Paul, he is also talking up a storm. He now points and asks 'what' to everything. He wants to know what everything is, too cute!
I think waking up early has hit him, so I'll put a couple pictures in here and then go.
Monday, May 05, 2008
bunch o stuff
I know some really enjoyed the joy thing. I'm still working on that. Seeing the positive in things as much as I can. I still generally react at first with negative but can at least point out a few positive things. Prayer has helped, that and trusting God. Or at least trying too!
Also have resigned myself to a few things that I had been fighting and using as excuses. This has really helped. It may sound defeatist but I don't feel that way. I see it as excepting the situation for what it is. Like we don't have a kitchen, but we do have a hot plate and a toaster oven. So just making due with what I have and not being pissy because I can't make 'real' meals.
We were suppose to go to CT this month to work on his dad's house, but work didn't give Chip the time off. Was also going to be used to get the new siding up. So we'll see how that goes! Chip did get the lawn mower and weed eater working. The yard is beautiful! Never thought I'd ever have a yard that was mine, of course this isn't really mine, we still have to rent the lot. That's another thing I've come to terms with. We don't like it here much at all (the trailer park), but we are going to be here for a few more years. Can't save any money until the garnishment is gone (a year left) and then it'll take a year to two to save up enough to move the trailer to OUR land, where ever that may be! So I'm trying to find the good in being here, we are making the yard nice and accepting that this is it for us, as sad as that may make us.
I'll try to get pictures of the yard tomorrow. I need to take a few before pictures anyway so we can see what we have done to the trailer.
I should go, I don't want to have to cut it short if Paul wakes. He's either got allergies or a cold, so he's not been sleeping well at all. I have seasonal allergies, so it would kind of make sense for him to have them. Have ho idea where he'd have gotten a cold!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Ron Paul moment
I was on my way home, in the turn lane. In the next lane there was a delivery truck. He honked so I looked to see if it was some one I knew. He was giving me a very enthusiastic thumbs up and said 'Ron Paul rocks!' It was cool. oh, important info, I have a bumper sticker and large yard sign in my back window.
So that's my cool news!
Friday, April 18, 2008
been awhile
Chip went to days, and the adjustment has been kind of rough. Having to redo the time management. Paul has been more needy, actually I think he just wakes up in a bad mood! Once he wakes up from his nap, he's in a much better mood, of course he doesn't wake up till like 4!
So just haven't been able to have time to get on and actually type! I don't like being online during family time much.
Paul is a walking fool lately! LOVES to walk. Growing and changing every day, it's amazing!
I'll have to send more updates later, lots going on.
Friday, March 14, 2008
one year
Year sure did go fast! It's amazing how much he has changed since being born. Just wanted you all to know he's 1! Pretty exciting!
Saturday, March 01, 2008
new schedule
Sorry to not be posting much lately. It's been harder to get on here and actually type. Paul is going through a rough spot (learning to walk and being extra clingy) so I normally have him in my lap while online, so it's hard to type, unless it's randomness that doesn't require thought!
So for my joy for the last week, it would be that things worked out in some ways with the money. It's not perfect at all. We finally found out what happened to all the money, but they still took some of Chip's paycheck. I don't know how we'll get through next payday, but that's not to worry about now, I'm sure something will come up. We still need to buy food for this pay period, but again, I'm sure something will show up to help with that. But we were able to pay the absolute important bills, so that's good, we have heat and the car is taken car of, so all is well.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
hard work
This has been such a hard winter, I'm just done. Anyhow, it was just the icing on the cake for today. My wonderful baby is going through some phase that makes hims super clingy and he simple has to be hanging onto me at all times. I think I noticed it so much more today because I was just in an off mood.
Okay, enough of why the day sucked, on to why it was good.
All this hard work had been evident to me a lot lately, and I now have the chance to write about it. As you know, I consider myself an AP parent. I try to be respectful of Paul, since he is a human with his own feelings and needs and not just some blog called baby to be treated like an object. I feel like I missed his infanthood because of the post partum depression, I just wasn't present until he was around 5 months old, that's what I mostly remember of him. I never really bonded with him until then, and really until recently. The only thing I had with him was breastfeeding, which truly was a life saver in those early days. It saved me in so many ways.
Recently I have felt totally detached from him. Like I wasn't taking to time to really *get* him or meet his needs. That is part of why I started the joy thing. I don't want to miss more than I feel I already have, they are only little for such a short time. But over the last few weeks I have been really trying to respond to him in the way he needs (well except tonight) and it made a HUGE difference. I can't believe it. I feel very in tune with him and also feel better able to handle his needs and demands. It's pretty neat too me that such a simple (on the outside) change in attitude and thought could have such an impact.
So that is my joy for today, seeing the fruits of some pretty hard work. Of course I know all the complaining at the beginning of this totally negates all that, but nevertheless, it is an amazing step forward for me. So thanks to all those who still read and ask about the joy series. I just need to get here to post it. I always have one, but just don't get here as much as I should, and then by time I do, it's been a week and it's too 'big' for me to think small enough to come up with one.
Off to fix the spelling and go to sleep (one thing I miss about IE is my Ispell, doesn't work with firefox ).
Monday, February 25, 2008
Joy and Paul updates
I'm not sure about joy right now, it's been a very rough week so let me think a bit and ramble on! Losing 4 grand can do that to people!
Oh, I know what great thing happened this week, we finally have a phone! I'm very excited about that. Before we had this cheapy prepaid that was horrid and cost a fortune. We got the internet phone, Vonage, and so far, so good. It's a flat rate for unlimited local and long distance, which is good because out here everything is long distance. I think this may have been my joy last week when we bought it, it's here now! I'll try to come up with something better later on. Again, it's been a pretty bummer of a week. Back to the small picture though!
Julie - who needs to cut her nails so she can type fast again! To think I used to do with with nails twice this long, how I don't know!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
So prayers and good thoughts for us please.
Okay, I think my joy for today is getting to hang out at home with my family. We don't do this a lot, normally keep ourselves busy outside of the house. Also, watching Paul walking, it's just amazing to see him learn and grow. Oh, here is a video of him walking.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Paul movies
Chip's been doing well with his eating/sugars. We found something that seems like it'll really work with what we want to be doing food wise, called Traditional Foods. It's what we have basically been doing, but didn't know it.
Paul has shown some small interest in food, so even more important to only have wholesome food (no extra anything, just food as it's grown, no chemicals or stuff like that). He's also getting more brave with walking, taking a few steps at a time. I actually have a few videos to share of me trying to get him to walk, but of course he didn't! I have the camera all set in case he does again.
Okay, now for the joy of the week I guess. That's a hard one, there have been many good moments. Mostly I think it's an overall more positive outlook on things. For today's I'd have to say that is was me getting so much done at home. It's nice to have a neat/organized house, and Paul slept for at least 2 hours, which is amazing for him with me not sleeping next to him!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
tuesday joy
Monday joy
Today I got to eat, that was very nice, doesn't happen often. I had ravioli, it was very good.
In other news, I am up at this crazy hour because Chip came home and decided to stay up watching stuff on the computer, Paul loves this so woke up and got all excited because Daddy was home, so here I am, up waiting for Paul to get tired again, and of course, Chip is asleep. Guess I'm at least getting caught up on my blog! Wish we had something breakfast like to snack on though!
Monday, February 11, 2008
I think an ongoing one is Paul's smile, he smiles with his whole face. He always has one too and loves to look over at me while doing whatever he is doing and flash a huge grin. He has also discovered crawling on his knees. I kind of miss his 'paul crawl' on his toes.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
day in the life
Paul has decided that sleeping alone is not for him, ma ma has to be with him. It's nice to take a nap, but sometimes I want to do something, like eat dinner. So I'm currently waiting for said child to sleep so I can eat. I'm guessing I'm not eating!
I can't wait for a normal house! Shortly at least we'll have to whole place! Can't wait. We decided that we are going to go ahead and put new siding on since we can't find all the holes and fix all the leaks (this place was not designed to be water proof aparently).
Paul is playing in the crumbs that the dog made while eating my burnt pizza (cooking on a woodstove is all about timing and mine was off).
Oh, on a kind of cool note, I found someone local who also uses cloth diapers, I'm very excited. Just have to try to figure a way to meet up that doesn't involve her coming here, it's just not a place I'd like people to see yet (no walls and a cold toilet). But I'm still excited and suddenly don't feel as alone as before in our choices.
Off to go mess with the fire, cold nights go away!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
2 weeks
It has been a busy few weeks for us. Chip found out he has diabietes, it's mild, but we are being proactive to maintain his health. Shortly after finding that out we all got sick with the flu, that was fun! So glad it's over.
Paul has been playing around with walking, but no real desire to leave the crawling though, that seems to work for him :).
I don't know what else is new? Just same old same old! Can't wait for winter to be over!
Monday, January 28, 2008
4:30 am
1. it's crazy windy~30 MPH ~ so everything on the trailer is banging, loudly.
2. sees that daddy is home, Yay daddy
3. the wind/banging makes the cats crazy, so an slightly woken baby sees cats playing and gets excited.
4. Paul LOVES the cats
5. Paul sees daddy watching the dvd player
6. He wants dvd player because he has not been allowed to chew on it yet and flashy things are on it.
7. Mommy gives up and gets up to let Paul play for a few minutes.
So here I am, so, so, so tired. Going to try to get him back down in a few minutes. The cats has calmed and some of the pieces of things that were banging must have wiggled into non banging places! Paul never wakes up like this at night, he just rouses to nurse, not really awake. And of course tomorrow we actually have to leave the house earlier than normal, perfect timing!
Too cute, he just took a ball from the cats and is giggling at them. :)
Saturday, January 26, 2008
He has been taking steps, a few at a time. I don't know when he'd be officially a toddler, but I'm guessing we are getting close.
I think I'm going to keep this short. Maybe eating will wake me up! Also need to get a few pieces of wood for the fire.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Paul WON"T sleep. Probably because of the stupid ghetto thumping music.
I am trying to get the pictures from the camera onto the computer and get them to a mailable size. I can NOT at all find any program that will make them smaller. On MY computer with died I had windows picture editor thingy and it would let you make them smaller (not just cropping, but you could save them smaller). Nothing will work. So have 200 HUGE files that I can't mail and they won't fit on a cd because they are too big (well they'd fit on lots of cd's but I only have like two). Why can't it just work, why.
I'm hungry, how the hell am I going to cook? Paul's screaming, we can only use the woodstove, can't do that and hold a baby, kind of dangerous.
I just heard gunshots, what the hell, did I move to the freaking ghetto or what?
My rolly polly baby
My baby is growing out of his baby pudge already. I am very sad about this, moreso than I should be. He is losing his rolls on his arms and legs. I miss my pudgy little boy, he's growing to look very toddler like. He's even losing his cute cheeks. I think I still feel like I missed out on his babyhood because of the PPD so all I really remember is the time from like 4 months or so, and now that remnant is gone, makes me sad. It goes so fast!
I measured him the other day 28 inches tall, I can't believe it! He's still in the 24 month size, just finally starting to fit into the legs and arms, kind of. :)
I think he's been trying to say 'cat' we'll see as time goes. It makes sense, we have 6 :).
Saturday, January 19, 2008
mr boom boom
complaint over.
Oh, mr. boom boom comes from Chip's dad. They had/have a neighbor who always played loud music and his dad called him Mr. Boom Boom.
great, music has now woke up Paul. Why are people so damn rude!!!!!!!!1
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
raining day
made my week
It was the highlight of my week (month maybe??) and the perfect ending to a roller coster of a week. Just had to share my special little boy. Wish I had room on my camera card so I could take a pic. Okay, truly is the last post of the day. Dinner and sleep, beautiful sleep. Oh, but wait I have to find out why the ambulance came to our neighbors, Chip called to tell me he'd tell me when he got home, can't over the phone. Sounds interesting. yes, I know, gossip, gossip. It is a horrible habit we have that we are working on. We are all works in progress I keep telling myself!
end of the day
I also wanted to take the chance to thank all of those who sent prayers and good thoughts for everything to work for him (us) to get to CT for the funeral. Things NEVER ever work out smoothly for us, and this went off with out a hitch, everything just fell into place perfectly, it was a refreshing change for us. Thank you again.
I think I'll sign off now and eat my dinner and chill for a bit, or maybe just go to sleep. So very tired lately.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
naps are the enemy
He's getting a tooth, so I think that is making it worse. :) yay teeth, at least once this one comes in he'll have an even number of teeth, he's been an odd ball for a LONG time.
Oh, I measured him today, he's 28 inches tall! I could not believe it, he's looking more toddler like daily, kind of sad, I miss my plump little boy :(. They grow up so fast.
playful Paul
On to Paul, to describe him now I'd say that he is extra needy but yet very independent. I know that doesn't sound possible, but it is! He'll be screaming his head off and push me away and just stare at me and scream. It's sad, sometimes I have to do a sneak attack to pick him up. :)
He's still loving to play with anything that he can get his hands on. He has started climbing, he's GOOD, I keep thinking he's going to fall, but he doesn't. Also the other day he started crawling under things, like on his belly, to get things. Oh, also he loves to drop things in the turtle cage! There is a whole stash of toys in the corner of the cage where he drops them.
In other Petersen news, we were tormented by our old landlord the other day. I seriously want to tell her she's trying to milk a dead cow, it just doesn't work, leave us alone. And really, your house was COVERED in lead paint that you didn't bother to keep up with, so the ground is also tainted with lead, yum! This is why we moved!
Oh, this is kind of funny.
At Chip's work they have this fancy tv and it never works, so he took our tv (we don't use it anymore) in and hooked it up. Somehow his coworkers thought it was funny that the new fancy tv (42 inch plasma) doesn't work but the 11 year old walmart special 19 inch was fine!
Okay, off to play with Paul, he's calling.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
On the note of being in a cruddy mood, I'm going to complain, which I'm trying to limit. I have been failing, but am trying again, minus this little rant here. Hoping it gets it out of my system.
Tonight has been awful. The dog woke up Paul while I was in the middle of getting a pile of wood inside (helps dry it off and who *really* wants to walk outside in the freezing morning to get wood????? - not I!). That was at about 6:30, it's not 11 and it's still out there. I want to kill the dog, who because I yelled at him, pooped on the floor. I then totally lost it with the dog and Paul. This is not good. It's not Paul's fault he got woke up.
Anyhow, he has just been a huge ball of fussy, cranky, crabby, clingy baby. He is MUCH too much like me (stubborn).
I am just so short tempered right now I don't know why or what has caused it. It's not like me, cursing all the time and yelling at Paul, not me at all. I just hope it's pms. I don't know what else would cause this (PPD coming back??? does that happen?) Anyhow, rant over. Think I'll head to bed in a bit. Have a ton to do, but just to tired and defeated to do it.
So hopefully tomorrow will be better and NO MORE complaining!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
house keeper
ps, the car thing. I have a truly debilitating fear of learning to drive a standard. It has become something much bigger than I can fathom and the fear is so ingrained that I'm getting nauseous thinking about it. It stems from adolescent fears relating to having NO self confidence and the fact that I KNOW I'd totally panic if I stalled, especially at a light with ANY one able to see me. The other day Chip stalled (as I know all standard drivers do from time to time - logically side tells me this), and I was a mess just thinking about what he might be thinking, and then putting myself in that position, terrified. I hope someday I'll get over it, probably when we live in the middle of no where and a totally flat place where I never have to stop, ever.
crazy irrational Julie!
Paul is being Paul, exploring everything and playing contentedly. He's looking like he's wanting to walk, but doesn't yet trust himself. It cute you can see him contemplating it and then deciding that crawling is way better :)
Happy New Year